Monday, March 20, 2006

Korean Workplace Norms

Not so different than in the American workplace. That was my first thought when I read the results of a Samsung young workers survey.

A website for information exchange between the younger generation of workers operated by Samsung, called released the results of a survey on the most common untruths told at the workplace.

The survey of some 1,000 workers showed that " talking big, and not backing it up" was the most common type of deceit.

For example, "It's almost done," "Just putting the finishing touches on it now" and "Sure, I'll get right on that" topped the list with 48 percent.

Other excuses such as "I had an emergency at the house" or "I've been sick" came in second with 15 percent, followed by feigned expressions of enthusiasm such as "I'll do my best" or "Just leave it to me" with 10 percent, and flattery such as "You're amazing" or "You look great today" with 9 percent.

The results of the survey highlight that few workers would EVER tell their bosses "No."

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