Thursday, February 28, 2013


By Don Southerton, BCW Editor

I'm often asked, "Don we know you work with most of the top Korean
groups, their overseas teams and leadership, but what exactly do
you do?"

One aspect of my work is providing leadership with a cross-
cultural success strategy. Another dimension is conducting training
sessions and workshops when serious issues surface that disrupt
global operations.

In addition, I also work with non-Korean executives of
global companies doing business in Korea, or with businesses
partnered with Korean firms.

But, essentially I teach "collaboration." This is my message. That
said, implementing and facilitating "collaboration" is not a quick and easy
task. Expertise is required to discover core issues that impede
operations, along with implementing a long lasting action plan and
sound countermeasures.

BTW  I'm always looking for new and engaging client projects. If
you have something in mind just email me, or call and we can


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