Sunday, April 04, 2021

Office Chat: A World Without Email ?

This week our Office Chat centers on my most recent read, technology professor Cal Newport’s A World Without Email. 

A world without email

Cal’s other works include Digital Minimalism and Deep Work. As we would expect, he does remind us of the limits and downside of email as well as what has become an in-box-driven workday. For many of us, we sometimes confuse email with real work and EM is working. 

That said, Part 2 in A World Without Email provides some fixes. 

By fixes, I am not talking about what I was expecting--streamlining and putting in place a productivity process that addressing workflow – and as an example some new APP or the familiar strategy “ I only answer or check emails 2 twice a day, etc.”

So, what’s a better solution. Cal Newport proposes a number but for starters. He notes, and I quote

A better strategy… is to consistently deliver what you promise instead of constantly explaining how you are working. 

Become known as someone who never drops the ball, not someone who thinks a lot about their own productivity. 

If a request comes your way, be it an email or hallway chat [ phone call or Zoom, too]. Make sure you handle it. 

Don’t let things fall through the cracks, and if you commit to doing something by a certain time, hit the deadline or explain why you need to shift.

To bring our chat back to those of us doing global work, Cross-culturally, I’d add nothing builds trust faster than delivering what is asked of you and what you promise to others.

I’d be interested in your thoughts, too.

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