Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Screenplay-A Yankee in the Land of the Morning Calm

A Yankee in the Land of the Morning Calm
has received great reviews both here in the US and in Asia.

A sequel is at my publisher and
I expect its release in mid-October.

I have also crafted a screenplay based on
the novel.

A Yankee in the Land of the Morning Calm is the story
of a young, ambitious Connecticut Yankee Josh Gillet.
Josh longs for high adventure and travel. Leaving late
19th century New England for a sojourn in Japan, Josh
soon finds himself in the Hermit Kingdom—Korea.

Coming of age is always filled with trial and
tribulation. For Josh Gillet, intense life experiences
are forged in an ancient land that has become the
political chessboard for 19th century imperialist
powers (China, Japan, Russia, Great Britain, France
and the U.S.)—amid a bold Protestant missionary
movement and Anglo merchants with hopes of quick
wealth. Josh quickly learns that high adventure,
opportunity, and a budding romance come at a price as
cultures--East and West--collide.

BTW The book was crafted reminiscent of the incredibly
popular American Dime Novel of the late nineteenth
century. In fact like a Dime Novel, A Yankee in the
Land of the Morning Calm is
first in a series of three
books. As I mentioned, Book Two Gold and Rail will be
released later this year.

If you are interested in this action-historical drama,
please visit the BCW website at



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